Official Name: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Capital: Kabul

Currency: Afghani

Afghanistan or Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is an autocratic country of the world positioned in Central Asia naturally surrounded by mountains. The total area of Afghanistan is 251,823 square mile or 652,230 square km. Dari which is Afghan Persian and Pushto is national as well as official tongue of Afghani people.

As this is mountainous country in between the prettiest lush and productive valleys where majority of people live and grow its crops to survive their lives in better way. Mountains are mostly entrapped with snow as many rivers pass through mountain gorges where melted snow and rain flow out of Hindu Kush positioned in eastern part of the country near to Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Afghanistan permits the merchants and travelers to pass through these mountainous routes cross China and India. It assigns its border with Pakistan known as Durand line, Tajiskistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Moreover, it has Wakhan border with China.

Climate of Afghanistan

The climate of Afghanistan is dry with hot summer and very cold with winter. About half of population are Pashtuns which are similar to Iranian Persian, Tajiks as well Persian whereas Dari is also spoken out in the country. Uzbeks language is same to Turkish while speak out.

Afghani is interested to fly kites as makes kite fights to cut the kite strings of its competitor kite flyers. They make their own kites and strings by use of glass. Afghani tea is known as khewa (green tea) which is heart traditional drink and Palau is delicious dish made of rice, sheep and goat meat while fresh and dry fruits are very much famous in Afghanistan.

Afghani people have fond of hunting and due to hunting, drought and war wild animal lives have been mostly reduced like Tiger, Wolves and bears nearly extinction. Snow leopards alive in cold Hindu Kush by thick hair to keep warm. Snow leopard’s skins are sold by the hunters in Kabul’s market.

Afghanistan has naturally gift of blue stone, lapis lazuli was used to decorate the tomb of Egyptian king. Natural gas zinc, lead, iron, salt, chromite, copper, sulfur are natural reservoirs as well Opium, wheat, corn, barley, rice, cotton is agricultural item.

After 2001, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan had bicameral governmental system, National Assembly known as parliament is the legislature of Afghanistan with two houses known as Wolesi Dschirga (House of people) and Meschrano Dschirga (House of Elder). President is the head of state as well head of Afghani government.

On 15 August, 2021, Taliban took over the government in Afghanistan after evacuation of US forces from Kabul.